Hey, for all you NY Yankee fans: Steinbrenner Was An FBI Stooge

NY Yankees owner George Steinbrenner, with whom I once dined the night before a Kentucky Derby in Louisville, and who was a graduate of Williams College, in Williamstown, Mass., where I lived for more than twenty years, has been exposed by Richard Sandomir of the New York Times as an FBI fink.

Sandomir writes:

His help to the F.B.I. in the 1970s and ’80s helped lead to his receiving a pardon from President Reagan in 1989 for a conviction for illegal contributions to Richard M. Nixon’s 1972 presidential re-election campaign. Steinbrenner had been denied a pardon in 1979.

I’m not going to speak ill of the dead. But at the earliest possible opportunity I’m going to head for a Red Sox game at Fenway Park to clear my head.

Pardoned by Reagan for illegal contributions to Nixon?

For Alaskan readers, don’t that just reek of Bill Allen?

Who in their right mind would want to plunge into such a swamp of compromise and corruption?

Oh, wait, I know who:

Yup, that’s Sarah, who was Rudy Giuliani’s guest at a Yankee game in June, 2009, less than a month before she quit her job as governor of Alaska.

Make that a doubleheader at Fenway.

9 Responses to “Hey, for all you NY Yankee fans: Steinbrenner Was An FBI Stooge”

  • WakeUpAmerica:

    Looks like she is doing her nasty little tongue trick too.

  • Mr. Right:

    I’m not sure, if you own a large building and the FBI contacts you for permission to stage a raid on organized criminals in the building, that qualifies as “stooge” billing.

    George was a stooge on many levels, but that’s kinda dopey.

  • Older_Wiser:

    Yes, Quitler does worship St. Ronnie, doesn’t she? But not before herself. BTW, Geoffrey Dunn said the other night something to the extent of not realizing Alaskan politics were so corrupt. Well, not when you consider who has lorded it over the state for so long.

  • Sally:

    I am beginning to understand how Scarah got herself elected. I suspect the powers that be saw her as a pretty face who could get out there and shake and and serve weiners up, who they can tell what to do. They let her surround herself with unqualified high school buddies, and let Tawd have full access to government business. Meanwhile, they did their dirty work with her full approval. I am sure Alaska is a microcosm of the rest of the country. This should wake us all up, but I bet it won’t.

  • KathrynC:

    Why is her tongue always sticking out of her mouth in photos? It’s one thing to see it once or twice but I’ve seen many photos like this. There is something very strange about it.

  • Neil:

    I believe she’s a crystal meth addict.Wasilla is notorious for this drug.It’s the only reason I can think of and she does this all of the time.It would explain a lot of things about her too.Screeching,irrationality,the inability to control her emotions.Certainly stranger things have happened.

  • lilly lily:

    If she was a meth addict I would assume her skin would be a pimply mess and her teeth would have rotted out of her head. I saw pictures of meth addicts about a year ago, and very good looking men and women became ravaged messes.

    Palin had started looking pouchy , jowly and saggy in the chin and jaw before she had her face liposuctioned. She knows all she has going for her is her looks, and I doubt she would endanger what is her main appeal , her face. Certainly she is somewhat below average in intellect.

    Possibly meds or lol is she a serpent in human form.

  • lefty:

    Off topic but good article (linked below) by Patick Cockburn on “Counterpunch” re your recent discussion on the loss of journalists and the problem that presents.


  • Melly:

    I don’t get what you’re getting at here…a connection bt SP and the FBI? Bt SP and Giuliani? Sorry, I am sometimes dense about intrigues, and then throw in sports figures and I’m done. Pls fill in the lines.